Mutual funds. Mutual funds are similar to ETFs; they’re both bundles of stocks with subtle differences. For instance, ETFs trade throughout the trading day and mutual funds trade at the end of the day at the net asset value price. The main differentiator: ETFs generally have lower management fees and commissions than mutual funds. Mutual […]
Category: Blog
Denison Announces Transaction to Acquire the Hook Carter Property from ALX Uranium Corp
If you want to build your wealth, making smart investments early on is key. And if you’ve collected some extra cash, and you don’t need to pad your emergency savings account or dig yourself out of debt, it’s an ideal time to try your hand at investing. With that in mind, we asked a handful […]
Thank You Capitalism Morality Seminar Held on Saturday 30 July and Sunday 31 July 2016
Once the Great Depression hit with full force, countries once again had to abandon the gold standard. When the stock market crashed in 1929, investors began trading in currencies and commodities. As the price of gold rose, people exchanged their dollars for gold. It worsened when banks began failing. People began hoarding gold because they […]
Mariana Reports Increased High Grade Gold Copper Resource and Maiden Zinc Resource at the Hot Maden Project NE Turkey
When gold was found at Sutter’s Ranch in 1848, it inspired the Gold Rush to California. That helped unify western America. In 1861, Treasury Secretary Salmon Chase printed the first U.S. paper currency. The Gold Standard Act established gold as the only metal for redeeming paper currency. It set the value of gold at $20.67 […]
David Morgan Buy Precious Metals Now
Still, it’s worth noting the failure of other widely cited factors to account for gold’s recent short-term weakness. Take inflation, since gold is widely considered to be an inflation hedge. In contrast to the Consumer Price Index’s 2.1% increase in 2017, its rate of increase over the last 12 months is 2.9%. Other things equal, […]
Andy Schectman Get the Facts Stewardship Begins With You Own Precious Metals
The sentiment picture is even less encouraging today. With gold down another $15 since that late-June column, we’d otherwise expect the average recommended gold exposure level to be even lower than minus 13%. That’s because the normal pattern is for market timers to become more- and less bullish along with the market’s rallies and declines. […]
Micky Fulp Gold is Money Thats Why I Own Precious Metals
Gold has been used as the currency of choice throughout history. The earliest known use was in 643 B.C. in Lydia. Lydia is present-day Turkey. Gold was part of a naturally occurring compound known as electrum, which the Lydians used to make coins. By 560 B.C., the Lydians had figured out how to separate the […]
Rick Rule Now is the Time to Invest in Clean Air
There are many different sources of air pollution, some sources are natural (such as volcanoes and wildfires) and some sources are man-made. Energy generation produces air pollution, along with other forms of human activity. Energy generation is one of the greatest sources of air pollution, and the pollutants it releases can manifest themselves in different […]
Eric Roth Here Is Why Investors Are So Excited About Marianas Hot Maden Project
On January 30, 1934, the Gold Reserve Act prohibited private ownership of gold except under license. It allowed the government to pay its debts in dollars, not gold. It authorized FDR to devalue the gold dollar by 40 percent. He did this by increasing the price of gold, which had been $20.67 per ounce for […]
Interview Sprott US Media Jim Rickards There Will Be a War On Gold
It’s bearish for gold that market timers have been remarkably upbeat in the face of gold’s dismal performance this year. In fact, despite gold bullion US:GCQ8 falling $140 an ounce since its January high, the average gold timer I track has not turned outright bearish. From a contrarian perspective that means that a tradable gold […]